Housing Company

The Municipality of Grums owns the housing company Grums Hyresbostäder AB (GHAB).

In Grums you live in a pleasant environment close to woods and sparkling waters, outdoor life and fishing facilities. You can choose among a wide range of club activities (about 75 associations), where most fields of interest are represented.

Grums urban area features supermarkets and small shops, banks, health centre, dentist's office, pharmacy, swimming hall and sports centre, state liquor shop, local government office etc. We offer different kinds of housing.

The school Jättestenskolan in Grums educates students in grade 6-9. For children between pre-school and fifth grade there are public schools in Grums, Slottsbron and Skruvstad and private schools in Borgvik and Värmskog.

Does this sound interesting? Contact us and we will tell you more.

Telephone: +46 (0)555-420 26
E-mail: grumshyresbostader@grums.se

Website: grumshyresbostaderab.se External link, opens in new window.

Postal address:
Grums hyresbostäder AB
S-664 80 Grums

Uppdaterad: 2023-07-31