Business and employment

In Grums muncipality there is a versatile trade and industry. About 700 businesses are established here. 

The Municipality is constantly working on improving and maintaining these businesses. A close dialouge with the local business is important.

A goal to strive for is to keep a good dialouge with the local entrepreneurs. We co-operate with the Trade and Industry-committee, the activity group, the network Grums Entrepreneurs and the female network Julianorna.

Together we organize common activites such as breakfast meetings, lunch meetings and walk and talk. The municipality also co-operates with ALMI Business partner and the Swedish Employment Service regarding questions about trade and industry.

The municipality is part of Karlstad Business Region together with Karlstad, Hammarö, Kil and Forshaga. Karlstad Business Region work for increase in growth.


Maria Röhr
Business Development Manager
Telephone: +46 (0)555-420 54

Uppdaterad: 2023-02-27